Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Ethical Issue

      Genetically modified organisms (GMO's) are a big issue in the world today and some may not fully understand what they are. Many do know, however, that there is opposition to them and there are governmental regulations that must be followed when working with GMO's. GMO's are basically an organism whose genetic material has been altered by using genes from other sources. For more background on GMO's, here are two links that will help your understanding: Wikipedia, The big issue with GMO's is that many people are not convinced it is totally safe to eat GMO's. Some argue that GMO's can have new allergens in the food and they may contribute to the spread of antibiotic resistance. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) puts many regulations on the making of GMO's that some consider safer than the traditional techniques of making food because of these regulations. There has been no evidence of the long term effects of GMO's but many people do not like them because it is a new technology and are not aware of the regulations GMO's have to go through to enter the food industry.

       For me personally, I think that GMO's can be a very good thing for humans, especially with the rising population. I have seen the test results of GMO's on humans and the effects of eating a GMO and a non-GMO. I feel as though I do not have to worry if I am eating a GMO. I believe that GMO's can increase the world food supply by producing crops with higher yields and are more resistant to biotic and abiotic diseases. More food supply and better quality means less starving people. There is another side of the issue, though. Many people are opposed to GMO's for a variety of reasons and I can understand their position. Many think they are harmful to animals by placing animal genes with plants. They believe GMO’s influence nature by mixing genes of different species. Another major issue is that some believe it goes against areas that should be left to God. I believe that farmers should grow non-GMO's and GMO's, which is being done now. People can choose what they buy in stores and people should have the right to know what they buy through labels GMO labels on products. What effect that will have on the food market, I do not know, but right now many food products are not labeled.

       I believe that as technology progresses, there are going to be more ethical issues that will occur. It is hard for a person to take a stand on an issue, especially with an issue they do not fully understand. In my mind, GMO's are safe to consume but many people are hesitant and are demanding non-GMO crops. The future implications of GMO's can be very beneficial to the world and really can improve the standard of living worldwide. People opposed can buy products that have non-GMO labels or they can buy organic foods. I believe that this issue will not come to an end anytime soon and foresee it causing significant change in the food industry.



  1. This is a very interesting topic. Without any proof of long term effects there should be no reason why they should not be used. I liked how you said that both GMOs and non-GMOs should be produced so that you can have a choice whether or not to eat them. Also, you made a good point about the growing population and the need for more food.

  2. I think as long as people have the option to choose what they want to eat, GMO or organic I don't see a real issue. The problems I have is there isn't a real way to regulate this, not that I know of.

  3. I agree with those that have commented on your blog. Give people a choice to choose between the two and that should be enough. Interesting topic though. I've wondered about GMO's myself. The truth is though that lots of the food we eat today isn't produced, processed, or prepared like it "used to be". We are living in a different era than those who simply ate what they grew, so technology has had to develop to keep up. Also, your little comment about God. I believe He is His divine power gave us brains to innovate and design just as He created us and this earth. So let's do it, and if GMO's prove to be really beneficial for mankind, then by all means, I as a creation and disciple of Jesus Christ, say let's go for it.
